IDJC 0.8.5 – Fix for phone mode

I make the show “Faldrians Feierabend” on and in this show I take calls from Skype and VoIP in my show. It worked almost nice so far, IDJC does it really good.


But: I had myself played back to my monitor while beeing in “green phone” mode (the mode where you speak onair with your guest).


After I stumbles through the code and digged deep trying to understand how on earth you can write such redundant code in the idcjmixer.c I found a way to fix it.


In “idjc-0.8.5/c/idjcmixer.c” around Line 1024 (or around there) there are these two lines:



*lap = ((*lplcp * lp_lc_aud) + (*rplcp * rp_lc_aud)) + *lprp +\n       (lp_lc_fade * lp_rc_audf) + (rp_lc_fade * rp_lc_audf) + (*iplcp * ip_lc_aud) + (ip_lc_fade * ip_lc_audf) + d_micmix + (*jplcp * jp_lc_str) + (jp_lc_fade * jp_lc_strf);\n*rap = ((*lprcp * lp_rc_aud) + (*rprcp * rp_rc_aud)) + *rprp +\n       (lp_rc_fade * lp_rc_audf) + (rp_rc_fade * rp_rc_audf) + (*iprcp * ip_rc_aud) + (ip_rc_fade * ip_rc_audf) + d_micmix + (*jprcp * jp_rc_str) + (jp_rc_fade * jp_rc_strf);\n



The fix: Remove the “d_micmix + ” from both lines. Done! make, make install and have fun. 😀